Monday, June 28, 2010

Wi'am Children's Program

In the summer the children are out of school, but they do not have much to do. At the Wi'am Center they have a program for children where they do crafts and games and play together. These girls are some of the older ones. They are making a mosaic out of glass.

 They just put in some playground equipment and it is in constant use! Kids from the neighborhood even climb over their fence to get to it. So far they have not been able to put any sand or ground cover for safety under all of the equipment. They are hoping to find a grant or donation that will pay for it. I think like many non-profit organizations they are always needing donations to keep going.

1 comment:

  1. I am very sad to say I feel very old now - When I was in grammar school we didn't get bored during summer until it was closer to the new school year. I can't remember what we did, but I know it wasn't a bunch of summer day camps or other programs. My Mom did not work when we were young, so she didn't have to find ways for us to keep occupied. We walked to our community pool and played with friends in the neighborhood. Today I know several people with children that are trying to find something not too expensive to send their kids to during the summer. This is partly because they work and need some sort of child care and partly to keep their children busy.
    What is it like there? Do Mothers tend to work or stay at home?


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