Sunday, June 13, 2010

Countdown Days 6 and 5

This year I am having trouble knowing what to write as the countdown happens and time is flying by! Yesterday we worked on shopping for things we need to bring and packing. I am also working hard at planning training that I have to present on Monday and Tuesday for my school district. I am training on SchoolFusion which is the program that teachers use to make their web pages ( and Using the SMARTBoard. Many classrooms in my district have new SMARTBoards this year, or will be getting one next year. A SMARTBoard is a huge touchscreen that in most cases takes the place of the chalkboard. Here is a video so you can see what they are like:

1 comment:

  1. At church this morning the kids at Sunday School asked me lots of questions. I could answer some of them, but there were others that I could not answer. Here are the questions.
    1. Do you have a passport?
    2. How big is Israel?
    3. What language do they speak?
    4. What food do they eat?
    5. How do they dress?
    6. What kind of birds do they have?
    7. What do the children play?
    8. When are you coming back?
    9. Are you going in a boat or a plane?

    I will answer a few of these questions in the next post. There are a few that I will have to answer after I go and find out!


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